Love You

Hi Friends!

I hope you’re all feeling the love this month…and every month! The title of this blog is a little misleading. Typically when we say “love you” we’re talking to someone. We are telling them we love them. Now, I want you to take a step back and ask yourself, “do you love you?” Seriously, take a moment and ask yourself. Do you show yourself love or do you only show others love?

The quote “Can’t pour from an empty cup” always resonates with me. As humans, we are social beings. We want to have community, friendships, conversations, and relationships. In society, we are face paced, drive through, order online beings that often forget caring for ourselves is as important as caring for others.

Let's dive into 4 ways to love YOU:

Don't compare yourself to others

As I stated, we humans are social animals that compare the have’s and the have nots far too often. She looks better than me says Instagram. His job is better than mine says Linked In. They have more friends than me says Facebook. She has more views than me says TikTok. We engulf ourselves with so many things that its natural to compare ourselves. Another great quote: “only compare yourself to who you were yesterday.” Always stive to be a better version of YOU and of course, you can only do this by showing yourself some love.

Be truly present

How many people do you think sit at a dinner table and eat as a family? Or as friends? Or without technology? How often do you stop to think “wow, this moment is one to remember.” Again, we are caught up on the to do lists, rabbit holes of social media, and Netflix marathons that we don’t stop to smell the roses. Try this today: step outside, look up, close your eyes, and take a deep breathe. Slowly open your eyes and tell yourself one thing you are grateful for. Shoot, the one thing could be that moment. Now ask yourself how many times you do this in a day? By slowing down, you actually may be able to enjoy more. Soak up the moments. Be truly present.

Speak kindly to yourself

Now friends, you have heard me say this one before, and it’s because I really believe in it! Today at some point, go look at yourself in the mirror. (I can hear the alarm going off in your heads) Look at your hair, your eyes, your face, your arms, your shoulders, your reflection and tell yourself 3 kind things. Stand there until you say 3. It can be corny, confident or simple but say them out loud, even if your voice cracks, SAY IT. Now repeat tomorrow.

Have Self-compassion

Lastly, give yourself some compassion. I know, I know, loving yourself is hard, huh? It’s so much easier to show others compassion, empathy, and patience but I be damned if I show it to myself. That means I have to be vulnerable. I have to let my guard down and let love in. SCARY STUFF. Trust me, I am an 8 on the enneagram, my walls are taller than the Great Wall of China. Once you realize the only person that you need to make sure you love is you, then maybe it’s not so bad after all.

Self-Compassion Exercise taken from Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch.