
Hello Friends! Have you started diet after diet after diet and decided the only reason you cannot successfully make a healthy lifestyle change is because you lack the willpower to stay on track? You may start out strong but resisting the temptation over and over again leads to you “fail” the diet and give in. […]

You are not defined by your relationship with food. In the fast paced world we live in, every body deserves food. It doesn’t matter if you’re a foodie,  a workaholic, an elite athlete, or barely making ends meet trying to keep food on the table, and the last thing you need is someone telling you […]

Health is often referred to our physical bodies. Mass majority of individuals move their physical bodies most days of the week to achieve their definition of health. Maybe they do it because they want to, maybe for their sport, maybe because their doctor told them to, maybe for stress relief? I am the latter, I […]

Top 10 Kitchen Items Moving away to college? Moving into your first apartment? Moving into a new home? Moving on from intensive outpatient treatment? Transitioning from inpatient care to intensive outpatient care? Wanting to become more independent in your own place? Shoot, you already live in an apartment and don’t know what to buy? Here […]

Moving into the Dorms? Living in a dorm is exciting; yet, quite challenging. Living in the dorms is usually seen as a rights of passage so to speak. You will make memories, laugh later about the living conditions but while you’re in the thick of it, it can be annoying. It adds more pressure of […]

Hi Friends! I wanted to breakdown some terminology that you may or may not be familiar with. What is an “Registered Dietitian”? What is a “Nutritionist”? Or what my coaches like to call a “nutritionalist”? Is dietitian spelt with a “t” or a “c”? A Registered Dietitian is an expert in food and nutrition. Pretty […]

Let’s google “diet”… The kinds of foods that a person, animal or community habitually eats A special course of food to which one restricts oneself, either to lose weight or for medical reasons. Woah! We go from what we habitually eat to restricts oneself. Let me break down how those are contradicting. Habitual eating is […]

Websites are hard. Here is the 411 on websites. They lure you in with the “free” templates, build a blog for only “xyz” dollars but don’t tell you that the templates are a pain and that you typically have to keep upgrading until you have paid a ton yet have the same looking template because […]

Heya! Want to start a business? Didn’t major in business? Have no idea where to start? What to do or what to think? Same. I am writing this blog piece to help just one poor soul out there in Oregon trying to figure it out. Here it goes… First, go to There is a […]

So like WHY did you pick nutrition? Nutrition has always been a passion of mine since I was young – the topic, if you saw how I ate you would question me – I’ve always played sports and at some point in time I figured out I liked nutrition. Probably because I love to eat, […]